Saturday, February 20, 2010

We Now Resume...

... our regularly scheduled programming. Yesterday's special viewing of "The Meltdown" was brought to you by The Daily Stress of Life in conjunction with the Extraordinary Circumstances That Shook My Foundation. Your regular programming is brought to you thanks to the support of viewers like you.

So. Everything's cool here. Really. Yesterday, not so much...except...

I learned that if I holler into the void when things get rough, some special people will holler back. That's a pretty amazing thing. I am truly indebted to you.

The universe took pity on me too. The library got in touch to tell me that the only copy of Nourishing Traditions in our county system, that I had been at the end of the request line for only days before, had suddenly become available. So I sprinted over there to pick it up before they changed their mind. And I spent a lot of time with that book last night, and today. And now I see why people cherish it.

And then just before I went to bed, I got a reply to an inquiry I'd sent about a "buying club" that operates kinda-sorta close to me that would make raw milk/dairy a possibility. Plus, this club has significantly lower pricing on grass-fed/pastured meats than I have been able to find locally. I love these people already.

Also, a friend recently asked me if I'm a "visual" person and, while looking over the buying club price list, I realized that yes indeed I am. I really like (need?) to see things laid out in front of me. I'm am not so good with abstracts. So, while I'm not sure exactly how this knowledge will improve life, I feel hopeful that it is a clue and a tiny step towards better organization.

I hope your weekend is wonderful. I thank you for your encouragement when I really needed it. Now back to regular programming...

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo, Yes!!! I need to DM or email you... Are you on Twitter? Thanks for stopping by Chivetalkin and the warm welcome back to Maryland.
